
Showing posts from November 18, 2018

Take Heart

Daniel 12:1-3 St. Mark 13:24-32 I normally try to tie together the lessons, place the Gospel in its context, and give a degree of theological insight. But this morning I woke up and checked the news, and I read about "wars and rumors of wars," (Mt. 24:6), and dire warnings about political and ecological disaster. By the time I came to the Gospel I was already tired and pretty down. So I took great comfort in reading that after after the sun is darkened and the stars fall from heaven, then the Son of Man will come on the clouds with power and glory (Mk. 13:24-26). All of this trouble is only temporary, and after the time of distress, those who sleep in the dust will arise, and those who have instructed many in virtue will shine as brightly as stars forever (Dan. 12:2-3). At top, Mosaic of the saints gathering to the New Jerusalem Basilica of Santa Prassede. circ. 824  So I am encouraged to persevere. To try to be one of Daniel's "teachers of virtue,...