Christ Incognito: The Third Sunday in Paschaltide

St. Luke 24:35-48 Duccio, "On the Road to Emmaus" When Jesus came walking, the people didn’t notice. Maybe this was because Jesus was concealing his presence (St. Luke 24:15-16). After all, Jesus had just pulled a “hell” of a joke on the Devil; it wouldn’t be out of reason for the Lord to follow up with a little prank to prove a point. Maybe it was that the faith of the people was so little at this point, there was only room for road-talk on the Emmaus way. Jesus certainly chastises his fellow travelers about this very thing. Should Cleopas and company have recognized Jesus at once? We might be tempted to think that, following the pattern of the Apostles, these pilgrims had some great failing which clouded their eyes. But from their lack of seeing, we come to learn so much about the presence of Christ in this post-resurrection wor...