By this the World will Know Them: Low Sunday
Act. 4:32-35 St. Jn. 20:19-31 The lessons for Low Sunday contain several fundamentally important texts for the faith and practice of the Catholic Church, which has made it difficult for me to choose what to focus on this week. But when we began this project of reflections, we decided that we would try, as much as possible, to relate the lessons to the mission of our Fellowship. And that guideline lead me to two portions of the Lessons. Caravaggio's The Incredulity of St Thomas from this week's Gospel Our holy father Benedict depends on this week's lesson from the Acts of the Apostles for his prohibition on private property among the Benedictines. In fact, he spends two chapters on Acts 4:32-35, emphasizing the importance of sharing possessions according to need and holding all things in common, lest greed take hold, and through greed, pride. But he concludes with an important note, "Above all, let not the evil of murmuring appear for any reason whatsoever i...