Ascension Day
Triptych of the Ascension Fra Angelico The Incarnate Lord is enthroned over all Creation today! Human scars have been hallowed in Heaven! The King whose coronation was with thorns now sits On High and judges all hearts, all nations, and all the reaches of the Cosmos! God made flesh reigns in the spiritual realm and judges righteously. Proclaim the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord! Let messengers go forth. Tell it to the furthest reaches of his dominion that our God reigns! "Enough! The Resurrection, A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, joyless days, dejection. Across my foundering deck shone A beacon, an eternal beam. Flesh fade, and mortal trash Fall to the residuary worm; world's wildfire, leave but ash: In a flash, at a trumpet crash, I am all at once what Christ is, since He was what I am, and This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, Is immortal diamond." - Gerard Manley Hopkins