They Had a Single Altar: The Sunday after Ascension

St. John 17:11-19 I recognize that most of our readers are in the United States, where most dioceses transfer the Feast of the Ascension to today. However, because the Fellowship is currently working out of Europe, and here in the UK, Ascension is still celebrated on Thursday, we are going to be following local law and custom. Adoration of the Holy Trinity Albrecht Durer Before I became a Catholic, as a young Anglican studying for a master's in Religion, I stumbled upon an excerpt from St. Augustine's Psalmus Contra Partem Donati , or Psalm against the Sect of the Donatists . Being a student of Old Testament, these lines struck me: Undoubtedly in days gone by there were holy men as Scripture tells, For God state that he left behind seven thousand men in safety, And there are many priests and kings who are righteous under the law, There you find so many of the prophets, and many of the people too. Tell me which of the righteous of that time claimed an altar for h...